Annual Chamber Events
Monthly Business After Hours
Our monthly Alive after 5 networking events are held at member businesses the first Thursday of each month (September – June) from 5-7pm.
Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
Join us for an inspiring and uplifting morning of community prayer in early January. This event spans the entire breadth of our community including our local citizens, community leaders, elected officials, church congregations, local police and fire departments, the business community, the Board of education, educators and school representatives and nonprofit organizers.
Chamber Awards Celebration
Taking the time to gather together as a community and recognizing each other’s wins is what brings us all together. The Chamber Awards Celebration recognizes the Business Person of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award (if applicable), Citizen of the Year, Young Professional of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, First Responder of the Year (if applicable), and Non-Profit of the Year. Sponsorships Available.
OC Chamber Job Fair
For over 35 years, we connect job seekers and employers to seek and fill open positions in Ocean City and the surrounding areas.
Job Seekers: Dress to impress, bring your resume, and be prepared to speak with local employers looking to fill positions!
Employers pay a registration fee for vendor space.
Chamber Cup Golf Tournament
Swing into Spring by participating in our annual Chamber Cup Golf Tournament, one of the Chamber’s major annual fundraising events! Register your team of 4 or we can match you up with a team. Not a golfer but want to participate? We welcome volunteers! Golf, cart, breakfast, lunch, awards reception, fantastic prizes, premium player gift bag, on-course beverage stations, and team photo included! Sponsorships Available.
Chamber Lights Decoration Contest
Each year, local businesses and homeowners are encouraged to decorate their properties festively. The contest is divided into several categories including Indoor & Outdoor: Hotel/Motel, Restaurant, Retail, Service, and Residential (outdoor only). NO ENTRY FEE! The winners are announced and awarded plaques at the January Alive after 5. Sponsorships available! Call or email Colby at 443-664-3052 or [email protected].